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World Congress of Malacology 2016の報告


 昨年7月にマレーシアで開催されたWorld Congress of Malacology 2016の様子を掲載しました。

 World Congress of Malacology(WCM)が2016年7月18日~24日にマレーシア・ペナン島で開催された。

 本会議はUnitas Malacologica(UM)が3年毎に開催する会議で、今回は第19回、アジアでは2010年のタイ・プーケットに次ぐ2回目の開催となった。総参加者数は41か国から280名で、35名が参加した日本は、参加者数の最も多い国となった。35名中27名は当学会会員である。すべての講演、発表はペナン島の中心部地区で、その歴史的街並みが世界遺産として登録されているジョージタウンのホテルで行われた。

WCM2016 研究発表

 研究発表は14のシンポジウムとオープンセッションで行われ、大越会長、浅見崇比呂会員、Barna Pall-Gergely会員がそれぞれシンポジウムのコンビナーを務められたほか、浅見会員は基調講演も行った。学生の優秀な発表についてはUMや他の学会から表彰され、大澤祐美子会員がUMの最優秀口頭発表賞、吉村太郎会員(高校生)が同じくUMの最優秀ポスター発表賞を受賞した。大澤会員はUMから渡航費用助成を受けられた。当学会で渡航助成した5名の会員もそれぞれ発表を行い、高評価を得た。




  • 1. Ecology of marine molluscs
    Convenors: Juan Moreira Da Rocha, Marcos Rubal and Jesus Souza Troncoso
  • 2. Freshwater bivalves of the world: diversity, distribution, evolution and ecology
    Convenors: Alexandra Zieritz and Manuel Lopes-Lima
  • 3. “How to quantify shell form?”
    Convenors: Liew Thor Seng and Manuel Jimenez Tenorio
  • 4. Integrating molecules, morphology, biology and biogeography in ‘opisthobranch’ research
    Convenors: Kathe R. Jensen, Manuel Malaquias and Juan Lucas Cervera
  • 5. Integrative research on molluscan phylogenetics: A tribute to the late Professor Salvini-Plawen
    Convenors: Douglas J. Eernisse and Gerhard Steiner
  • 6. Limestone biodiversity and conservation issue
    Convenors: Tony Whitten and Menno Schilthuizen
  • 7. Molluscan aquaculture in a changing climate
    Convenors: Thiyagarajan V., Sam Dupont and Atsushi Ishimatsu
  • 8. Molluscan biodiversity and biogeography in the Indo-West Pacific
    Convenor: Benoit Dayrat
  • 9. Mollusks in climate change research: New uses of an old group
    Convenor: Maria Helena Fortunato Martins
  • 10. Morphology based systematics in action
    Convenor: Barna Pall-Gergely
  • 11. Planktonic gastropod
    Convenor: Deborah Wall-Palmer
  • 12. Predetors of molluscs
    Convenor: Takahiro Asami
  • 13. Tropical marine mollusk programme (TMMP): past and present
    Convenor: Jaruwat Nabhitabhata
  • 14. Tsunami and Marine life in Asia
    Convenors: Kenji Okoshi and Suchana Apple Chavanich


  • 1. Kathe R. Jensen
    Review of the Saccoglossa: no longer Opisthobrahchia, not quite Pulmonata.
  • 2. Fred E. Wells
    Invasive marine species: a hidden problem in southeast asia.
  • 3. Takahiro Asami
    Evolution of reproductive barriers in snails.
  • 4. Tony Whitten
    Lessons learned from engaging with cement companies for snail conservation: failures and successes.


  • Taro Yoshimura (Awarded by Unitas Malacologica), Keio Senior High School, Japan
    Relation between growth ribs and reproductive cycle leading to possibility of sexual dimorphism of Swiftopecten swiftii (Bivalvia: Pectinidae), based on stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition and morphological analysis
  • Ayu Savitri Nurinsiyah (Awarded by Unitas Malacologica), University of Hamburg, Germany
    The Diplommatinidae (Gastropoda: Cyclophoroidae) of Java
  • Renee Rossini (Awarded by Sociedad Espanola de Malacologia), The University of Queensland St. Lucia, Australia
    Complex feeding choices in the obligatory seagrass feeding snail Smaragdia souverbiana
  • Geraldine Olive Chnag Ju Lien (Awarded by The Malacological Society of London), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
    An attempt to cryopreserve tropical oyster, Crassostrea iredalei spermatozoa in Malaysia


  • Yumiko Osawa (Awarded by Unitas Malacologica), Kyushu University, Japan
    Does species-specific epiphyte, Pseudocladophora, negatively affect host Turbo?
  • Emmanuel Redl (Awarded by Unitas Malacologica), University of Vienna, Austria
    Cell proliferation pattern and twist expression in an aplacophoran mollusk argue against segmented ancestry of mollusca
  • Anna Mikhlina (Awarded by Unitas Malacologica), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
    Morpho-functional analysis of the buccal complex intwo species of nudibranch mollusks
  • Mark Phuong (Awarded by Sociedad Espanola de Malacologia), University of California, USA
    Diet and venom evolution in cone snails
  • Fernando Aneiros (Awarded by The Malacological Society of London), University of Vigo, Spain
    Crepidula fornicata (Linnaeus, 1758): from absent to dominant in Ria De Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)


  • Hiroaki Fukumori (with Yaunori Kano)
    Species diversity and biogeography of Amphidromous neritid gastropods in the Indo-West Pacific
  • Kaito Asato (with Tomoki Kase, Teruo Ono, Katsuo Sashida and Sachiko Agematsu)
    Shell recondtruction and taxonomy of Shikamaia akasakaensis Ozaki, 1968 (Alatoconchidae; Ambonychioidea; Bivalvia) from the Middle Permian of Japan
  • Masahiro Suzuki (with Yuya Maruyama, Sayaka Torimitsu and Kenji Okoshi)
    Impacts of the 2011 great east Japan earthquake and tsunami on shell formation of the invasive naticid gastropod Euspira fortunei and commercially important bivalves
  • Risho Motochin (with Rei Ueshima)
    Molecular phylogeny and frequent parallel evolution of Japanese calusiliid land snails
  • Yuta Morii (with Jun Yokoyama, Masakado Kawata, Angus Davison and Satoshi Chiba)
    Introgressive hybridization between the morphologically divergent land snails Ainohelix and Ezohelix



Aileen Tan Shau-Huai UM会長による開会の挨拶



ポスター会場 UM学生最優秀ポスター発表賞を受賞した吉村会員

KOMTAR Tower 59階の回転展望レストラン「59 Sixty」で開かれた歓迎夕食会

会場のホテル ティーブレイク

送別夕食会 参加者がそれぞれの国の民族衣装を披露



ジョージタウンのナイトマーケットRed Gardenで売られていた魚貝類

  • バナー:Venus
  • バナー:ちりぼたん
  • バナー:東日本震災関連事業
  • バナー:貝のQ&A
  • バナー:団体会員一覧
  • バナー:リンク集
  • バナー:お問い合わせ