HOME > 【参加募集・助成公募】World Congress of Malacology 2025 São Paulo - 2025年4月30日発表要旨締切,2月28日助成公募締切


【参加募集・助成公募】World Congress of Malacology 2025 São Paulo
- 2025年4月30日発表要旨締切,2月28日助成公募締切



Unitas Malacologica(UM)は、日本貝類学会を含む世界21の学協会が加盟する、軟体動物学に関する国際学会です。UMでは、2025年8月4日から8日、南アメリカ大陸で初の大会となるThe 22nd World Congress of Malacology(WCM 2025)をブラジル・サンパウロで開催します。Early bird registration締切は3月31日、講演要旨締切が4月30日です。皆様奮ってご参加下さい。詳細は下記の大会ホームページの通りです。


また、本大会開催に伴い、下記Travel Grantsの公募を開始しましたので、奮ってご応募ください。募集締め切りは2月28日です。応募資格はUM個人会員のうち学生および学位取得後3年以内の若手です。学生会費は24 euro / 3 yrsで、入会手続きは下記リンク先に記載の通りです。会費送金等に時間を要する可能性がありますので、余裕をもってお手続き下さい。



Unitas Malacologica幹事 狩野泰則

Travel Grants for WCM 2022

Applications for Unitas Malacologica Travel Grants to attend the World Congress of Malacology in São Paulo, Brazil from 4th-8th August 2025, are now open.

Eligibility: We aim to support postgraduate students and early-career researchers (up to 3 years post PhD conferral) who will present at the Congress but require financial support to be able to attend it. Applicants must be members of Unitas Malacologica to be eligible. The membership rates are discounted for students and we have waivers for members from low income countries. To join, visit http://www.unitasmalacologica.org/membership.html. We welcome multiple applications from the same research group, however we are unlikely to support more than a single applicant per group to ensure that funds are distributed widely.

Funding: Awards will range from €90-1500 based on need. This will cover the $USD90 (approximately €90) student or $USD250 (early-career researcher) registration fee, a maximum of €260 for accommodation, and a maximum of €1150 for travel (e.g., flights). Please provide a clear breakdown of cost estimates for these three categories in your application. If these funds are not sufficient to cover all expenses please ensure that additional funding will be available if your grant application is successful. Travel grants from UM are for the actual expenses related to attending WCM (transport, accommodation and registration) only, and may not be put toward any other use. Funds will be transferred during the congress. The committee may consider pre-payment for any awardees that are unable to cover costs upfront – these arrangements will be made upon request after the grants have been awarded.

Conditions: Grants are conditional on being present and giving a presentation at WCM 2025. Failing to present would lead to restitution of the money to UM. The values listed above are the total sum of the grant; no additional funding will be provided to cover fees or charges (e.g., currency conversion charges).

How to apply: To apply, please complete the applicaton form. Incomplete applications will not be eligible for funding, so please ensure that all sections of the form are completed and that a letter of recommendation from your supervisor, group leader, or equivalent, is sent directly to Dr. Yasunori Kano (kano●aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp) by the due date.

The deadline for submission is the 28th of February 2025 (5pm GMT).

Yasunori Kano, UM Secretary

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